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Clicking on this option will open up two forms- Defaults-1 and Defaults-2.


Defaults-1 :


This form will enable the user to set the following defaults for the purchase series.


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                                                                                   FIG 1. DEFAULTS-1


bullet01 Default Supplier : Specify the Supplier Name that will be displayed by default in case the payment mode is set to Cash. Specify the Account name whose selection will allow Cash Customer details to be input. Also specify the Default Cash A/c.


bullet01 Default Agent : The Agents that have been created using the Setup Salesman form, also set Default Round A/c.


bullet01 Default Tax Forms : The Tax Forms that have been created using the Setup Tax Forms.


bullet01 Default Tax Region : The Tax Regions that have been created using the Edit Tax Region form, Normally three Tax Regions are created namely Local, Government, Inter State. Create these tax regions and click on Save button or Press Alt+S to save the regions created. The Tax Regions can only be Modified they cannot be Deleted.


bullet01 Default Tax Type : Set the required purchase tax from the list for the configuration that have been created using Setup Tax Types (Purchase).


bullet01 Also set Default Printing and Default Cost Center for the configuration.


bullet01 After the defaults have been specified click on OK button to save the configuration.


Defaults-2 :


          fmcg pur vocher other settings part 2


                                                                                         FIG 2. DEFAULTS-2


bullet01 Default Companies : The user can also specify the Default Companies. Click on the Set Default Companies button. A list displaying the names of all the companies that have been created using the Item Brand/Company Creation form will be displayed. Select the companies and click on OK button.


bullet01 Default Godown : Click on the Set Default Godown button. A list displaying the names of all the Godown that have been created using the Setup Godowns form will be displayed. Select the godown and click on OK button.


bullet01 Default Item Groups : Click on the Set Default Item Groups button. A list displaying the names of all the item groups that have been created using the Adding\Modifying\Deleting Item Groups will be displayed. Select the item group and click on OK button.


bullet01 Default Tax Type : Set the required purchase tax from the list for the configuration that have been created using Setup Tax Types (Purchase).


bullet01 After the defaults have been specified click on OK button to save the configuration.

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