Sale/Dispatch Process

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Delivery Goods to Customers & entry of Sales Invoice.


The Goods are delivered  to the buyer, in terms of Sales Order (or buyers Purchase Order where no sales order is issued).



Delivery of Goods to Customer : The vendor delivers the goods as per Sales Order and submits a Sales Invoice as per terms of Sales Order, Sometimes, only Delivery Challan is created at the time of delivery (which becomes Goods Receipt Note for the Buyer) and Sales Invoice is created later on.



Recording of Delivery of Goods : The particulars of quantity and value of goods delivered are entered through Sales Invoice Entry (if the supplier does not submit an Invoice at the time of delivery, the Items Rates and other charges (taxes etc) are picked up from Sales Order. This entry affects Inventory (Stock is decreased) and Accounts Ledgers (Sales Account and all other charges added are Credited, Charges deducted and Customer Account is Debited).



Rejection / Return of Goods by Buyer : Sometimes. defective goods are returned by customer. For goods returned by customer or for other value deductions (like rate difference, rebates for quality difference etc), a Credit Note is created. This entry is just a reverse entry of Sales Invoice and affects Inventory (Stock is increased for goods returned) and Accounts Ledgers (Sales Account Debited and Customer Account Credited) in reverse way.



Tasks covered in this section



Order Processing












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