Set Supplier Wise Taxes

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bullet01 This form allow the user to set Taxes for the Supplier. The user can specify the Taxes for individual Supplier. The form Set Party Wise Taxes enable the user to specify only the Purchase Tax for the party and not the Sale Tax.


bullet01 Set Supplier Wise Taxes : Main Menu> Setup > Supplier/Item Wise Defaults> Set Supplier Wise Taxes


    Toggle Icon Minus 17 Main Menu


fmcg supplier wise taxes menu


                                    FIG 1. MAIN MENU




bullet-arrow2 Tax Type Information


bullet-arrow2 Linking Tax With Party


bullet-arrow2 Delinking Tax From Party



Tax Type Information :


When the user selects the Tax Type from the Tax Type select box then the entire details for that Tax Type is displayed. The information includes the various taxes that are being charged like Tax 1/2/3, nature of the Tax Type whether Tax Paid/Tax Able or Tax Free etc.


Linking Tax With Party :


bullet01 First select the Tax Type from the drop down list with which the Supplier have to be associated ( The select box will have Tax Type created using the Setup Tax Types (Purchase).


bullet01 The Parties that are not associated with any Tax Type will be displayed under the tab Free Tax Type.


bullet01 From the Free Type tab select the Parties to be associated with the selected Tax Type and the click on Save button or Press Alt+S.




The user can view the Parties that has been associated with Tax Type selected by clicking on This Tax Type tab. Clicking on Other Tax Types will display the list of the Parties associated with the Tax Type other then the Tax Type selected.



    fmcg supplier wise taxes


                                                                       FIG 2. SET SUPPLIER WISE TAXES


De linking Tax From Parties :


To disassociate the Parties from the Tax Type select the Tax Type from which the Parties have to be disassociated.Click on the This Tax Type tab. A list of items associated with that Tax Type will be displayed.Select the Parties to be disassociated and click on Save button or Press Alt+S.The Parties disassociated will be now be be free and will be displayed when clicked on Free Tax Type tab.


    fmcg supplier wise taxes 2


                                                                         FIG 3. SET SUPPLIER WISE TAXES

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