Sale Invoice (Schemes)

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On every sale of item the seller can choose to offer schemes to prospective customers to attract more sales and increase profits.


  Toggle Icon Minus 17 Main Menu


fmcg sale invoice menu


                            FIG 1. MAIN MENU






Header Details:



Series- Specify the Bill Series which is the combination of the Series and the Number (the Series and the Number that have been specified for that Series in the Setup Bill Series form). The configuration that has been specified for the series selected will be applied to the Sale Bill.



Date And No- Specify the Date and the Number for the bill.



Payment Mode- The Payment Mode can be set to either Cash, Cheque or Credit.



Cash- If the payment mode is set to Cash and the user does not specify the customer name then the Cash Customer button is activated. The Setup Cash Bill Customers form will open up in which the user can specify customer name, city, address 1/2/3, second address 1/2/3, Cst No, Cst Date,Lst No, Lst Date, Dl. No.1 and Dl.No.2. The user can also specify the maximum number of rows in the grid. Clicking on OK button will save the record and the customer name specified will be displayed in the text box. The user can skip entering other details but customer name will have to be specified.



Cheque- If the Payment Mode is set to Cheque then the Cheque details button will be activated. Clicking on the Cheque Details button will open up the Cheque Details form. Specify the Cheque No, Cheque Date, Bank Name, Branch, Account No, Customer Name and Address. Clicking on OK button will save the details. The user can skip entering other details but Cheque No. will have to be specified.



Account / Customer Name- Press the space bar and select the account or party name to whom goods have to be delivered. The Accounts that have been created using the Account\Ledger Creation form.



  fmcg sale invoice scheme header


                                                                                                         FIG 1. SALE INOVOICE-SCHEMES (HEADER DETAILS)


Item Details



You can choose items the customer has bought and enter it in the Sale Bill. When you press enter through all the options in the grid it will ask for scheme you want to use.



  fmcg sale bill scheme report item details


                                                                                                                          FIG 12. SALE BILL WITH SCHEMES

      Toggle Icon Minus 17 View Totals


Once you have filled in the details "View Totals" is seen below with the scheme amount in the final bill.


fmcg sale invoice cd view totals


                                                               FIG 14. VIEW TOTALS



After you press F5 "Change Conversion Factor" below is opened and you can decide the conversion factor.


          fmcg sale invoice conversion factor


                                           FIG 13. CONVERSION FACTOR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Back to Top