Narration Formula

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bullet01 The user can specify the values of which columns should define the narration. The form lets the user select what should make up the Narration from the Fields List. The user can also specify the default length for the fields selected.


bullet01 Click on Save button or Press Alt+S to save the changes.


bullet01 The Icons that appear in the Narration have following meaning-

Save This icon is used for saving.
Cut  Cuts the selected text.
Copy  Copies the selected text.
Paste  Pastes the text that was copied to specified position.
Bold  This option allows the user to BOLD text/field variable. This icon has two sub options START BOLD and CANCEL BOLD.Start bold is used to designate the start position of the text to be BOLD,Cancel Bold is used to designate the end position of the text.
Italic  This option allows the user to ITALIC text/field variable.This icon has two sub options START ITALIC And CANCEL ITALIC. Start italic is used to designate the start position of the text to be ITALIC,Cancel italic is used to designate the end position of the text.
Underline  This option allows the user to Underline text/field variable.This icon has two sub options START Underline and CANCEL Underline.Start Underline used to designate the start position of the text to be Underlined,Cancel Underline is used to designate the end position of the text.
double  This option allows the user to Double text/field variable. This icon has two sub options START Double and CANCEL Double. Start Double used to designate the start position of the text to be Doubled,Cancel Double is used to designate the end position of the text.
Compress  This option allows the user to Compress text/field variable. This icon has two sub options START Compress and CANCEL Compress.Start Compress is used to designate the start position of the text to be Compressed,Cancel Compress is used to designate the end position of the text.
elite  This sets the printing style for DOS based printing.This prints 10 characters per inches.
Pica  This sets the printing style for DOS based printing.This prints 12 characters per inches.
FontSize  Sets the font size.
FieldList  Lets the user selects the fields and specify the length of each selected field.

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