Enter Cheque Clearing

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Clearing is all of the steps involved in transferring funds ownership from one party to another. Movement of a check from the customer's bank in which it was deposited to the bank on which it is to be drawn. This process normally results in a credit to the account at the bank of deposit, and an equivalent debit to the account at the customer's or party's  bank on which it was drawn.



Enter Cheque Clearing : Main Menu> Vouchers> Enter Cheque Clearing.


    Toggle Icon Minus 17 Main Menu


fmcg enter cheque clearing menu


                                                    FIG 1. MAIN MENU


Cheque To Be Cleared:



Select Bank- Select the required bank account from the list.



Bank Charges A/c- Select the required bank charges account from the list.



Date From & To- Enter the date from which user want to clear the cheques.



Refresh- Click on refresh button to refresh the grid according to the changes made by the user.



F4- By pressing F4 user can select multiple vouches from the grid.



F5- By pressing F5 user can set the clearing dates of the cheque.



Save- Click on save button to save the details entered by the user.



  fmcg enter cheque clearing cheque to be cleared


                                                                                                           FIG 2. CHEQUE TO BE CLEARED


Cleared Cheques:



Those cheque will be displayed here which were selected by the user in Cheques To Be Cleared form.



Save- Click on save button to save the details entered by the user.



  fmcg enter cheque clearing cleared cheques


                                                                                                                  FIG 4. CLEARED CHEQUES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Back to Top