Convert P.D Cheques To Cheque for Collection

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A post dated check is a check on which the issuer has stated a date later than the current date. This option allows the user to convert the post dated cheques that has a future date to the cheque for the collection of the amount.



Convert P.D Cheques To Cheque For Collection : Main Menu> Vouchers> Convert P.D Cheques To Cheque For Collection.


    Toggle Icon Minus 17 Main Menu


fmcg convert post dated cheques to chq fr collection menu


                          FIG 1. MAIN MENU



Voucher Date- Enter voucher date from and to, this date will allow user to see vouchers of the same date which is being entered by the user.



Then click Search button to refresh the grid.



Select the required voucher from the list and then click on the Convert button to convert for clearing the cheques.



  fmcg enter cheque clearing 2


                                                                                                                 FIG 2. ENTER CHEQUE CLEARING



After clicking on Convert button a new window will appear.



User can select the required bank account from the list in which the amount will be transferred.



After selecting bank account press Ok button to proceed.



  fmcg enter cheque clearing 3


                                                                                                       FIG 3. ENTER CHEQUE CLEARING



Then it will ask for the final conversion of cheques.



Select Yes if user want to clear the selected cheques.


  fmcg enter cheque clearing 4

                    Fig 4. CONVERSION BOX

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