Allocating & Deallocating Item Groups

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bullet01 To add the Items to newly created Group Right Click the mouse on the group. A small popup window will open which facilitates the user to Allocate Items or De-allocate items.







Allocating Items To Group :



In order to allocate items to the groups, select a group (under which you want to allocate the items).



Then right click> select the Allocate Items/Groups from the popup menu or press Alt+A.



  fmcg setup item groups allocation


                                                                                                                   FIG 1.SETUP ITEM GROUPS



Item Selection Form dialog box appears select the required items and click OK.


fmcg setup item groups 5


                                                                            FIG 2. SETUP ITEM GROUP



After selection of the item, the item will come under the group as shown in the below given fig.


fmcg setup item group allocated


                                                                                           FIG 3. SETUP ITEM GROUP


De-Allocating Items To Groups :



In order to deallocate items from the groups, select a group (from which you want to de-allocate items).



Then right click> select the Delete Items from the popup menu or press Alt+D.



fmcg setup item groups de allocate


                                                                                                             FIG 4. SETUP ITEM GROUP



Item Selection Form dialog box appears select the required items and click ok.


fmcg item selection 2


                                                                       FIG 5. ITEM SELECTION


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Back to Top