Other Details

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The Other Details button is activated only if Account Type is set to Customer/Supplier/Capital/Fixed Assets. A form opens up which lets the user enter the entire details like name of the person to be contacted, address, bank details, contact number etc. The user can specify the name of the Transporter. The Transporter select Box is filled after the user has entered Transport Names in Setup Transport Form.The user can also mention the Bill and Add percentage Limits.





bullet-arrow2   Address Details Of The Account


bullet-arrow2   Other Details Of The Account


bullet-arrow2   Payment Terms


bullet-arrow2   Function Keys



Address Details Of The Account


bullet01 Now click on Other Details in Fig 2 and you will get the screen as shown below. Now enter the following common details related to the every new account:


bullet01 You can specify the country & city of the party. The country & city select box is filled after the user has entered country names in Setup Country and city names in Setup City.


bullet01 Address 1&2: Enter the address of the party.


bullet01 Telephone: Enter the Telephone number.


bullet01 Mobile No: Enter the mobile number of the company.


bullet01 E-mail: Enter the E-mail address that will be used to e-mail documents, reports and data to the party.


bullet01 Cst No: Enter the Central Sales Tax No issued to the party.


bullet01 Cst Date: Enter the Cst  date of the party.


bullet01 Lst No: Enter the Local Sales Tax No issued to the party.


bullet01 Lst Date: Enter the Lst Date of the party.


bullet01 Tin No: Enter the Taxpayer Identification No issued to the party.


bullet01 Sale Nature: Sale nature of the party is selected from the drop down option on the basis of  their sale.


bullet01 GST No/Date/State.: Add the GST details of the customer or supplier.


bullet01 View GST No. Details Online: To view the GST no. of the customer or supplier online.




Fig 1. Address Details


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Other Details Of The Account


bullet01 The user can specify the name of the Transporter. The transporter select Box is filled after the user has entered transport names in Setup Transport form.


bullet01The user can also mention the bill and add percentage limits.




Fig 2. Other Details


Limits (Bill & Add):


bullet01 Bill Limit: The user can specify the Bill Limit which is the maximum bill amount. If the bill amount exceeds the bill limit then the user is informed about the maximum bill limit specified.


bullet01 Add percentage: The user can specify the default Add (%) that will be added to bill amount for a particular party. If user has set the percentage for the party then at the time of billing it will add the specified percentage in the bill amount for the particular party.


Allow & Less C.D:


bullet01 If the user tick the box then it allows C.D i.e cash discount for the party at the time of the billing.


bullet01 If user untick the box then it do not allow C.D i.e cash discount for the party at the time of the billing.


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Payment Terms


bullet01 This form enables the user to specify the number of days. Details can be entered in this form only if the account type is set to Customer / Supplier / Capital / Fixed Assets.


bullet01 To view the Payment Terms, go to the Other Details and click on Payment Terms as shown in the Fig 2.


bullet01 The user can specify either the Discount Percentage or the Interest Percentage:


bullet-arrow2  If the user specifies the Discount Percentage then if the payment is made within the specified days then the user will be given the specified discount on the bill amount.


bullet-arrow2  If the Interest Percentage is specified then if the payment is not made within the specified days then the user will be charged that much interest on the bill amount.This interest percentage is charged after the number of days exceed the credit days which are been mentioned in the Enter Opening Bills Receivable/Payable in Enter Opening Trial.



The user can specify either the Interest or the Discount Percentage but both cannot be specified for the same number of days. The user can skip mentioning the Interest/Discount Percentage.




Fig 3. Payment Terms



Function Keys


F3 - Set Defaults With A/C Types:


bullet01 If user want to set defaults for account types then press F3 and the below given screen will appear.


bullet01 The user can set the fields for Default B.S Group(+), Default B.S Group(-), Default New B.S Group and at the time of the selection of account type in Create New Account, it will by default select all the fields.




Fig 4. Setup Defaults For Account Types



F5 - Configurations:


bullet01 If the user want to apply lock in any column, then press F5 button and the below given screen will appear.


bullet01 Select Column Locks from the options.





Fig 5. Configurations


bullet01 Then you can select the columns from the list which is to be locked.




Fig 6. Column Locks


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