Nature : Select the nature of the tax type from the list.There are three kinds of nature :Tax Paid,Taxable,Tax Free.This option is used in Bill Printing to create separate columns on basis of Nature.
Tax Form : Select the Tax Form for this tax type from the list.It is an optional column.
Sale Account : Select the Sale Account from the list.Sale Account is a account which holds the sale value of the product.It is a mandatory column can't be left blank.
Sale Tax A/c : Select the Sale Tax A/c from the list.Sale Tax A/c is a account which holds the Sale Tax value of the product.The Sale Tax A/c is allocated only when we Calculate Sale Tax .
For example : if a product cost 100 and 5% is the sale tax then total cost is 105.Now the 100 amount goes in Sale Account and 5 goes under Sale Tax Account.
Calculate Sales Tax : Specify whether the sale tax is calculated or not.Select Yes or No from the list.
Taxes : Enter the values for taxes manually.There are three Tax columns : Tax-1,Tax-2,Tax-3.User can specify the percentage values in these fields.
Surcharge On Tax-3 : Specify the surcharge on the Tax-3.It is also specified in percentage.For example : Surcharge is 4% of Tax-3.
Surcharge A/c : If Calculate Sales Tax is set to Yes,then specify the Surcharge Account.If the this field is not set, then we are not able to specify surcharge A/c.
Excise A/c : Excise A/c is specified only when excise is charged on sale.This option will only work in case Tax 3 (Sales Tax) and Excise in the Bill are set to Bill Wise.
Tax 1 A/c : Specify Tax 1 Account in case any Tax 1 is charged in the Sale Bill. This option will only work in case Tax 3 (Sales Tax) and Tax 1 in the Bill are set to Bill Wise.
Tax 2 A/c : Specify Tax 2 Account in case any Tax 2 is charged in the Sale Bill. This option will only work in case Tax 3 (Sales Tax) and Tax 2 in the Bill are set to Bill Wise.
After all the records has been entered click on Save button Or Press Alt + S to save all the record that has been entered.Click Close button or press Alt+C to exit.