Generate GST e-Way Bill Number: Main Menu > Reports/ Queries > Sale Registers > GST Reports/ Returns > Generate GS T e-Way Bill Numbers.
Fig.1 Main Menu
A new screen will appear on your screen.
Fig.2 Generate GST e-Way Bill Number
Select Sale Bill from the drop down.
Select check box to enter Sale Bill. A new window will appear on your screen. Click on search button and select bills. Press 'OK'. See window below:
Fig.3 Select Bill
Selected bills will appear on your screen.
Color of the Flag indicated that whether your entry is correct or not. Red Color means incorrect entry and Green color means correct entry. The error will be shown in the Invalid Remarks option.
In case of invalid UQC (Unique Quantity Code) error, rectify the unit of the item. As seen below:
Fig.4 Select Unit of the Item
As per Government rules, you have to select the Transport Mode as mentioned below:
Fig.5 Select Transport Mode
If you want to set the UQC manually, click on the GST returns and set it by default.
Generate and Update Eway No.: You can generate Eway automatically using API directly, and update EWay Bill in database.
Prepare JSON: Click this button to generate JSON file, which later-on you have to upload on Eway Bill Portal.
Export: This button will enable you to export the data in Excel File. A message window will pop-up on your screen. Click yes and within a few seconds, your data will be exported in the Excel sheet.
Fig.6 Export Bills
Cancel Eway By IRN No.:- You can cancel e-way bill using generated e-invoice IRN number.
Generate Eway By IRN No.:- You can generate e-way bill using generated e-invoice IRN number.
Cancel EWB:- You can cancel e-way bill using API.