Supplier + Companies

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bullet01 This form is used to link Companies with Suppliers or vice versa. Defaults can also be set for each company linked to the supplier.


bullet01 Supplier + Companies : Main Menu> Setup > Supplier/Item Wise Defaults> Supplier+Companies.


    Toggle Icon Minus 17 Main Menu


fmcg supplier + companies menu


                                       FIG 1. MAIN MENU




bullet-arrow2   Populating Tree


bullet-arrow2   Linking Companies With Suppliers


bullet-arrow2   De linking Companies From Suppliers


How To Populate Tree :


bullet01 The Tree can be populated with Supplier Name or with the Company Name. If the tree is populated with Supplier Name then the user can allocate the Companies to the Supplier and if the tree is populated with Company Name then the user can allocate the Company to the Suppliers.


bullet01 To populate the Tree with Companies select Companies option and to populate the Tree with Suppliers select Suppliers option


      fmcg supplier + companies

Linking Companies With Suppliers & Vice Versa :


bullet01 To link Suppliers with Companies select the Supplier with which you want to link the companies. The list of Companies will be displayed in the Companies List Box.To allocate the companies double click on the Companies Name . The Companies that were allocated will now appear in the Suppliers Companies List Box. Enter the TD, CD, Tax 1,Tax 2,Tax 3,Margin % etc and click on Save button or Press Alt + S.


bullet01 If the tree is populated with Company Name then select the Company Name with which the Suppliers are to linked. The list of Suppliers will be displayed in the Suppliers List box. To allocate the Suppliers double click on the Suppliers Name.The Suppliers that were allocated will now appear in the Companies Suppliers List Box. Enter the TD, CD, Tax 1,Tax 2,Tax 3,Margin % etc and click on Save button or Press Alt + S. Click Close to exit.



TD, CD, Tax 1, Tax 2, Tax 3, Margin % are optional values can be skipped by the user.



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                                                                    FIG 2. SUPPLIER + COMPANY


De linking Companies From Suppliers & Vice Versa :


bullet01 To de-link Suppliers from Companies select the Supplier from which the companies have to be de-linked. The list of Companies associated will be displayed in the Suppliers Companies List Box. Double Click on the Companies Name in order to de-link. The Companies that were de-linked will now appear in the Companies List Box.


bullet01 If the tree is populated with Company Name then select the Company Name from which the Suppliers is to de-linked. The list of Suppliers associated will be displayed in the Companies Suppliers List box. Double Click on the Suppliers Name in order to de-link. The Suppliers that were de-linked will now appear in the Suppliers List Box



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                                                                          FIG 3. SUPPLIER + COMPANY


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Back to Top