Setup Group Wise Taxes-Grid Mode

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bullet01 This form enables the user to define Group Wise Taxes for the items.


bullet01 Setup Group Wise Taxes : Main Menu> Setup > Setup Taxes> Setup Group Wise Taxes- Grid Mode.


    Toggle Icon Minus 17 Main Menu


fmcg setup group wise taxes grid mode menu


                                FIG 1. MAIN MENU



bullet-arrow2   Set Taxes To Groups


bullet-arrow2   Filtration Of Records


bullet-arrow2   Deleting Taxes



Set Taxes To Groups :


bullet01 Select Groups : In order to select the groups check the Select Group box or press Alt+G> Item Group Selection form appears> select the Horizontal Group Level from the list then choose the vertical group and then select the groups and click Ok or press Alt+O. These are the groups which were made in Item Groups Creation.



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                                                  FIG 2. ITEM GROUP SELECTION


bullet01 Select Tax Region : In order to select Tax Regions check the Tax Region box> Tax Region Selection window appears> select the required Tax Regions and click Ok or press Alt+O.


bullet01 After selecting Group and Tax Region click on Refresh button or press Alt+R to view the selection in the grid.


bullet-arrow2 In order to define the taxes, select the cell and press space bar> list of taxes appears> select the tax from the list and press enter. After defining all the taxes click on Save button or press Alt+S to save the selections.


    fmcg setup group wise taxes grid mode


                                                                                                         FIG 3. SETUP GROUP WISE TAXES



To save the data entered by the user, user have to press enter button and the cursor should be on next line in the grid.


bullet01 In order to set the same tax to all the groups > select the column and press F2 or double click > a window appears select the tax name from the list and click Ok or press Alt+O to set the selected tax for all the records. Click on Save button or press Alt+S to save the selections.


    fmcg setup group wise taxes grid mode 3


                      FIG 4. SAME TAXES TO ALL GROUPS

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Filtration Of Records:


The Records can be filtered in following ways-


bullet01 Sale Tax Type Filter : Select the Sale Tax Type from the list and click on Refresh button or press Alt+R. The records with the selected tax type are displayed in the grid.


bullet01 Purchase Tax Type Filter : Select the Purchase Tax Type from the list and click on Refresh button or press Alt+R. The records with the selected tax type are displayed in the grid.


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                                                                                     FIG 5. SETUP GROUP WISE TAXES


bullet01 Filter For Blank Sale Tax Type : In order to view the records with blank Sale Tax, check the box and click on Refresh button or press Alt+R.


bullet01 Filter For Blank Purchase Tax Type : In order to view the records with blank Purchase Tax, check the box and click on Refresh button or press Alt+R.


bullet01 Other Filtration methods : If you want to see the records with 12.5% sale tax but having no purchase tax then select the sale tax from the list and check the blank purchase tax box and click on Refresh button or press Alt+R.

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Deleting Taxes :


The Taxes can be deleted in two ways-


bullet01 To Delete Current Tax : In order to delete the current tax > press Delete. Click Save button or press Alt+S in order to save the changes.


bullet01 To Delete Entire Column Taxes : In order to delete the entire column taxes > select the column and press F3 > Delete dialog box appears click Yes or press Alt+Y to delete all the taxes. Click Save button or press Alt+S in order to save the changes.


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                             FIG 6. DELETE CONFIRMATION BOX

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