Print Columns

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bullet01 This Required Columns allows the user to choose the columns that are required in the printed format. The Set Column Attribute form displays the list of the columns that can be printed.


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                                                                                   FIG 1. PRINT COLUMNS


bullet01 Name- This option allows the user to edit the Heading of the column.


bullet01 Length- User can Increase/Decrease the width of the column by editing the length already assigned as default.


bullet01 Print as control break column- This option allows the user to set the column as header. This option can be effectively used for those columns which are expected to show the same values in all the rows.


bullet01 Bold/Italic/Underline- These options can be used to format the print of the values in the column as Bold,Italic,Underline.


bullet01 Selected items only- This option allows the user to view only those fields in the list box which have been selected.


bullet01 Move up & Move down- This option can be used to change the position of the columns. It can be done by first selecting the field and then pressing either the up or down arrow button as required until the field reaches the desired position.


bullet01 After all the setting has been made click on save button. A message box asking for confirmation will appear and clicking on Yes will save the settings.

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