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A Ledger is basically a book in which a Company or Organisation writes down the amounts of money it spends and the amounts of money it receives. You get the list of Accounts from which you may select a Ledger Account to see the Ledger Book of the selected Ledger Account. The amount of Opening & Closing Balance of the selected Ledger Account and the total of Debits & Credits for the period are also shown.



Ledger Report : Main Menu> Financial Reports> Ledger.



Before generating the report, a Report Viewer will appear, as shown earlier, where user can select the configuration and can specify the date and other details for the report.



Press F2 to create the report and below given window is the view of Ledger report.



If user wants print view of report or user have to convert the report in some other format then user can check the Buttons In Report given in the tool bar.



In the below given report, the list of vouchers for the party Apolo Pharmaceuticals and other bank variables is Entry Wise displayed. You can change the period using F5 button, as required.



  fmcg ledger report


                                                                                                                 FIG 1. ENTRY WISE LEDGER



The list of vouchers for the party Central Clinic Lab and Apolo Pharmaceuticals is Month Wise displayed. You can change the period using F5 button, as required.

  fmcg ledger report monthly


                                                                                                    FIG 2. MONTH WISE LEDGER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Back to Top