Journal Entry

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A journal entry is a formal accounting entry used to identify a business transaction. The entry itemizes accounts that are debited and credited, and should include some description of the reason for the entry. A journal entry is a method used to enter an accounting transaction into the accounting records of a business. All the transactions first recorded in "Journal" and then posted into Ledger.



Journal Entry : Main Menu> Vouchers> Journal Voucher.


    Toggle Icon Minus 17 Main Menu


fmcg journal voucher menu


                            FIG 1. MAIN MENU







Header Details:



Configuration- Select the configuration that has been set using the Journal Voucher Configuration.



Voucher Date & No- Specify the Voucher Date and the Number. The series that the user has specified for the Journal Voucher using Setup Bill Series form will form the document number prefix.



For Ex-  Here JV is the series that the user has specified for the Journal Voucher.


2014-> which is the Current Year.


11-> which is the Current Month.


05-> which is the Current Date.


1-> which is the voucher number that is incremented by 1 every time a new voucher is issued.


All these combine up to give the Voucher No. for example JV-2014-11-05-1.



  fmcg journal voucher header details


                                                                                              FIG 1. JOURNAL VOUCHER (HEADER DETAILS)


Account Details:



Now click on Account Details or Press Alt+X to enter further details.



Now specify that whether it is Credit/Debit.



Specify the Amount and Account Name (the Accounts that have been created using the Account\Ledger Creation form). These Fields are mandatory.



The record is not saved until and unless the user clicks on Save button or Presses Alt+S.



The user will have to enter the Amount and the Account Name. These fields are compulsory. It is recommended that the user enters one Bill per voucher for correct entries in Sale Tax/Purchase Register.


    fmcg journal voucher account details


                                                                                                   FIG 3. JOURNAL VOUCHER-ACCOUNT DETAILS

Modifying & Deleting Voucher:



Modify- To Modify the record in a Journal Voucher click on Modify button or Press Alt+M. A search form will open up. The form lets the user search the voucher on different criteria like Account Name, date range between which the voucher was issued, Amount, Narration, Document Series, Document No, Bill No, Transport, Agent Name, Day Book and Remarks.

After specifying the criteria click on Search button or Press Alt+S.The voucher that met the search criterior will be displayed in the select box.



If the search criteria are not specified and the user clicks on Search button then the list of all the vouchers will be displayed in the select box



Select the voucher that needs to be modified and then click on Modify button or Press Alt+M.The voucher with the records will be displayed.Make the necessary changes and then click on Save button or Press Alt+S to save the changes made.



Delete- To Delete the Record in a voucher select the record to be deleted and then click on Delete Line Button or Press Alt+D.