Item With Multiple Pack/Size

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If an Item exist with different Pack/Sizes then the user can enter the different Pack/Size details of the Item using this form.



Item with multiple Pack/Size : Main Menu> Setup> Setup Items> Setup Items.


    Toggle Icon Minus 17 Main Menu


fmcg setup items menu


                                                  FIG 1. MAIN MENU









Creating New Item :


In order to create a new item click on New Item button or press Alt+W. The form contains three main parts : Header Details, Company and Pack / Sizes, Shades and Groups.


Header Details:


This section contains the details related to the items which is given below:



Item Name : Enter the Item Name manually, it is a mandatory column can't be left blank.



Item Description (Alt+I) : In order to enter the item description click the button or press Alt+I > Item Description dialog box appears > enter the description in the text area and click ok or press Alt+O. It is an optional column.



Image : If user want to link the picture with Item then click on the Image button > Item Image dialog box appears > select the style from the list and provide the path of the picture > click ok or press Alt+O. It is an optional column.



Company Name : Select the Company Name from the list. It is an optional column.



Godown Name : Select the Godown Name from the list. It is an optional column.



Shade Name : To select the shade for the item press the space bar > Shade Search List dialog box appears > select the required shade and press enter. It is an optional column.



Size Diff (Rs) : It is the difference in the rates according to the size of the Items.



Finished/Raw : Select the type from the list.It is an optional column.



Taxes For Sale : Assign the sale tax for the Item from the list.It is an optional column.



Taxes For Purchase : Assign the purchase tax for the Item from the list.It is an optional column.


fmcg item packs 2


                                                                        FIG 2. HEADER DETAILS


Group Details :



In this section the item is assigned to the group. There are total 9 groups, select any one group from these groups under which you want to allocate the item.



Select the Group press the space bar > Item Group Search List dialog box appears, select the group name and press Enter.



HS Code : It is the Harmonious Serial number of the item. To assign HS code press the space bar > Harmonious Search list dialog box > select the required code and press Enter. It is an optional column.


fmcg group details


                                                                            FIG 3. GROUP DETAILS


Pack/Size Details :


In this section the pack and size details are provided to the item.For this click the Pack/Sizes tab or press Alt+K.



Pack Name : To assign the pack name to the item press the space bar > Pack/Search List dialog box appears > select the pack from the existing packs or user can also crate a new pack > press Enter.




User can not assign Item Code if the Pack Name is not assigned.



Do Not Print Bar Code : If you want to print the barcode of the Item then check the box else remained unchecked. This can also be done in the Configuration. Click the Configuration button or press Alt+F check the Do not Print The Bar Code as shown in fig.


  Toggle Icon Minus 17 Item Code


bullet01 Item Code : Item code can be generated in various formats. An item Code consist of three parts Prefix, Middle and Post Fix. To get the formats click the Configuration button or press Alt+ F.



fmcg item code


              FIG 4. CONFIGURATION


How To Set Pre-Fix For Codes : Select the type of prefixes for codes from the list.There are six types of prefixes :-



User Define : User can define the prefix according to the requirements.


Company Short Name : Company Short Name appears as the prefix of the Item Code.


Group Short Name : Group Short Name appears as the prefix of the Item Code.


Company S.Name+1 : It is a auto generated Item Code. Company Short Name appears as the prefix of the every Item Code with an automatic increment by one to next Item code.


EAN -13 : It is an International Bar Code Standard of PF-7 Characters.If select this as prefix then define any seven characters code in the text box.


EAN Pre-Fix+1 : It is a auto generated Item Code.EAN-13 appears as the prefix of the every Item Code with  an automatic increment by one to next Item code.


How To Set Middle Item Codes : The Middle item code can be defined in three ways :-



User Define : User can defined the middle name according to the requirements.


Some Characters Of Item : Enter the number of characters of the item name you want to see as Item Middle Code.


Prompt For Item Code Middle : If  this box is checked then user can able to edit the middle code manually.


How To Set Post-Fix Item Code : The Post Item Code can be defined in two ways :-



User Define : User can define the code according to the requirements.


Pack Short Name : Select the option from the list then pack short name appears as the post item code.



If the Item Code box is checked then user can able to edit only the middle code.





Additional (Add) Item Code : Enter the Additional item codes if required. The additional item code column can be locked to enter additional item code. To lock the column click the Configuration button or press   Alt+F > click on Column Locks button > check the Additional IT code box and click on Save button or press Alt+S. It is an optional column.



Item Rates (Alt+R) : This tab contains the different rates related to the item as shown in the figure. These are the optional values can be left blank. By default Zero value is assigned to the rates.



After entering all the detail related to the item click on Save button or press Alt+S to save the new item.


fmcg pack size details


                                                                             FIG 5. PACK/SIZE DETAILS


For example:-

                    For every pack size like in this picture shown above i.e 20 ML you have to set a conversion factor. To begin with you have to set how many packs would fit in a case and how many cases would fit in the bigger container like Jar in this particular case.



You also have an option to set multiple item and assign them conversion factors at the same time,


fmcg pack size conversion


                                             FIG 6. MULTIPLE ITEMS


Configuration :


It is used to set the various kinds of configuration. Click the button or press Alt+F > Item Entry Configuration dialog box appears.



Carry Forward Rates : Check the box if you want to see the previous rates in the next record.



Carry Forward Purchase Defaults : Check the box if you want to see the previous Purchase Defaults in the next record.



Carry Forward Sale Defaults : Check the box if you want to see the previous Sale Defaults in the next record.



Do Not Allow Entry W/o Group Selection : Check the box if you don't allow th entries to the selected Groups in Group Details Tab.


fmcg configurations


                                                                                        FIG 7. CONFIGURATION


  Toggle Icon Minus 17 Column Locks


Column Locks : The columns can be locked using this option. The user can select the columns to be locked by clicking on Column Lock button. The Setup Item (Column) form will be displayed. Select the columns to be locked and then click on Save button or Press Alt+S. The columns that will be locked will not visible on the form.

For example- If the column Perishable Items is not required then select the column from the Setup Items(Column Locks) form. The Column will no longer be visible.


fmcg pack size column locks


          FIG 8. COLUMN LOCKS



Modifying & Deleting Items :



To Modify Item select the Item from the Item Tree that has to be modified. Make the necessary changes and click on Save button or Press Alt+S to save the changes.



To Delete Item/Pack click on Delete Item button or Press Alt+M. The Item Selection form will open. After selecting the appropriate options click on Search button or Press Alt+S. The Item Names will be displayed in the list. Select the Item Names that are to be deleted and click on OKbutton. A message box asking for confirmation will be displayed and clicking on Yes button will confirm deletion.


ÆNote : The items that are deleted will no longer be visible in Item tree. The Items which have transactions associated with them cannot be deleted. Click on Refresh Tree button to reflect the changes in the tree.


Filter & Sort On :



Filter :

The Item tree can be filtered on the basis of the Item Name. Enter the first character or number of the item in the text box > click Refresh button or press Alt+R > the items with the entered first character or number can be displayed under the tree.For example : if the entered number is 7(as shown in above figure) then the all the items having 7 as prefix can be displayed



fmcg pack size filter tree


                                                          FIG 9 FILTER TREE



Sort On :


In the Tree items can be viewed in four sorted ways-



Sorted By Item Name



Sorted By Group+Item



Sorted By Comp+Item



Sorted By Shade+Item



Item Name : Select the option from the Sort On frame and click on Refresh button or press Alt+R (The tree may be Automatically Refreshed if the option is checked in the Configuration). The tree displayed the items by the Item Names.

ÆNote : The Tree can be set to automatically Refreshed this option is available in the Configuration. Click the Configuration button or press Alt+F > check the Automatically Refresh Items box and click ok.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         setupitemsmultiplepackssizes_autorefresh


fmcg pack size sort on item name


                                                                                FIG 10. SORT ON (ITEM NAME)



Group+Item : If this option is selected then the items are sorted by their Groups under which they are allocated. Select the option from the Sort On frame and click on Refresh button or press Alt+R (The tree may be Automatically Refreshed if the option is checked in the Configuration).


fmcg sort on group + item


                                                                                FIG 11. SORT ON (GROUP+ITEM NAME)


Comp+Item : If this option is selected then the items are sorted by their Company Names under which they are allocated. Select the option from the Sort On frame and click on Refresh button or press Alt+R (The tree may be Automatically Refreshed if the option is checked in the Configuration).


fmcg sort on company + item


                                                                                 FIG 12. SORT ON (COMPANY+ITEM NAME)


Shade+Item : If this option is selected then the items are sorted by their Shades.For example : All the items with 1011color code can be displayed under 1011shade. Select the option from the Sort On frame and click on Refresh button or press Alt+R (The tree may be Automatically Refreshed if the option is checked in the Configuration).


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