Foot Details

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bullet01 Foot Other Details : Clicking on this button will open up a form which will display the list of the fields that can be printed at the end of the voucher. Select the fields whose values need to be printed and click on Ok button.



The fields and their values will be printed only if the option Print Totals at Page End is selected.


    fmcg pur vochr prnt othr details


                                      FIG 1. FOOT OTHER DETAILS

bullet01 Foot Total Details : The user can specify the name of the columns that should be printed at the footer along with the totals. Clicking on the Foot Total Details button will open up a form which will enable the user to select the field and specify the name of the field. The user can specify this according to the Tax Region. Select the tax region and specify the column name. Click on Ok button to save the changes.



    fmcg pur vochr foot total details


                                           FIG 2. FOOT TOTAL DETAILS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Back to Top