Enter Cheque No. (Bank Payment)

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A cheque is a document that orders a bank to pay money from an account. The person writing the cheque, the drawer, has a transaction banking account (often called a current, cheque, checking account) where their money is held. The drawer writes the various details including the monetary amount, date, and a payee on the cheque, and signs it, ordering their bank, known as the drawee, to pay that person or party the amount of money stated. This form allows the user to set Prefix and number of the cheque book which user will assign to the party at the time of the bank payment through cheque.



Enter Cheque No : Main Menu> Vouchers> Enter Cheque Numbers- Bank Payments.


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fmcg bank payments enter cheque no bank payments


                              FIG 1. MAIN MENU









Enter Numbers:



Account Name- Select the bank account from the list.



Enter Pre-fix- Enter the prefix  of the cheque book.



Number From- Enter the first no. of the cheque book starting from.



Number To- Enter the last no. of the cheque book.



  fmcg enter cheque no bank payments header 3


                                                                                              FIG 2. ENTER CHEQUE NUMBER (ENTER NUMBERS)


Replace Numbers:


Select this option if you want to replace the cheque book numbers of the selected bank account which was set by the user in Enter Number options. Enter the numbers which user want to set and then enter the number user want to replace with.


Display Numbers:



Account Selection- Select the required bank account from the list.



Refresh- After selecting bank account press refresh button.



After that the information about the receipt which user have set in the Enter Number form will automatically come in the grid.



  fmcg enter cheque no bank payments display


                                                                                                                       FIG 3. ENTER CHEQUE NUMBER (DISPLAY NUMBERS)


Cancelled Numbers:


Select this option if user want to cancel any cheque book number which was entered earlier because of any error in the cheque book number or at the time of the payment in the Cheque/DD entry.