Setup Job Order Instruction

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bullet01 You can use this option to setup the Job Order Instruction. Through this, you can give instructions to your production team of different departments.

Setup Job Order Instruction > Main Menu > Production > Production Setups > Setup Job Order Instruction

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Setup Job Order Instructions


Fig 1. Main Menu





bullet-arrow2 Instruction Group


bullet-arrow2 Instructions



Instruction Group

First of all, you need to setup the instruction group. Follow the steps mentioned below to create an instruction Group:


bullet-arrow2 Define an Instruction Group

In order to create a group for instructions follow the steps:

1. Enter the Instruction Group Name and hit enter.The name should be unique.It is compulsory to enter the Instruction Group Name.

2. Click the Save button or press Alt+S.

3. Click Close button or press Alt+C in order to exit from the window.


Setup Job Order Instructions-1


Fig 2. Define Instruction group



To save the data entered by the user, user have to press enter button and the cursor should be on next line in the grid.


bullet-arrow2 Instruction Groups Order


If you want to set the order of  Instruction Groups, follow the steps mentioned below:


1) Click on Instruction Groups Order.

2) Set Order for Instruction Group window will appear on your screen.

3) Select the groups and use arrows to move up or down the  Instruction Groups.

4) Click on Save button to set order of  Instruction Groups.


Setup Job Order Instructions-2


Fig 3. Set Order of Instruction group


bullet-arrow2 Delete Instruction Groups


If you want to delete any Instruction Group follow the steps mentioned below:


1) Select the Instruction Group you want to delete.

2) Click on the Cross option from the Toolbar.

3) A message will pop-up on your screen. Select 'Yes'.

4) It will be deleted successfully.


Setup Job Order Instructions-3


Fig 4. Delete Instruction group


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Follow the steps mentioned below to create an instruction Group:

bullet-arrow2 Define an Instruction:

In order to create instructions follow the steps:

1. Select the Instruction Group for which you want to create instructions.

2. Enter the Instructions and hit enter.These should be unique.

3. Click the Save button or press Alt+S.

4. Click Close button or press Alt+C in order to exit from the window.


Setup Job Order Instructions-4


Fig 5. Define Instruction



To save the data entered by the user, user have to press enter button and the cursor should be on next line in the grid.


bullet-arrow2 Instruction Order


If you want to set the order of  Instruction, follow the steps mentioned below:


1) Click on Instruction  Order.

2) Set Order for Instructions window will appear on your screen.

3) Select the instructions and use arrows to move up or down the Instructions.

4) Click on Save button to set order of  Instructions.


Setup Job Order Instructions-5


Fig 6. Set Order of Instruction


bullet-arrow2 Delete Instructions


If you want to delete any Instruction ,follow the steps mentioned below:


1) Select the Instruction you want to delete.

2) Click on the Cross option from the Toolbar.

3) A message will pop-up on your screen. Select 'Yes'.

4) It will be deleted successfully.


Setup Job Order Instructions-6


Fig 7. Delete Instruction


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