BOM is short for Bill of Material. It is a comprehensive list of raw materials, components and assemblies required to build or manufacture a product. A bill of materials (BOM) is usually in a hierarchical format, with the topmost level showing the end product, and the bottom level displaying individual components and materials.
Logic ERP Software allows you to Setup BOM Raw Material Types by following the steps mentioned below:
Setup BOM Raw Material Types > Main Menu > Production > Production Setups > Setup BOM Raw Material Types
Fig 1. Main Menu |
To define te BOM Raw Material, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Enter the BOM RM Type Name and hit enter.The name should be unique.It is compulsory to enter the BOM RM name.
2. Click the Save button or press Alt+S.
3. Click Close button or press Alt+C in order to exit from the window.
Fig 2. Define Raw Material
To save the data entered by the user, user have to press enter button and the cursor should be on next line in the grid. |
Set the order of Raw Materials
If you want to set the order of BOM RM Type Names, follow the steps mentioned below:
1) Click on Set order button.
2) Set Order window will appear on your screen.
3) Select the field and use arrows to move up or down the BOM RM Type Names.
4) Click on Save button to set order of BOM RM Type Names.
Fig 3. Set Order of Production Unit
If you want to delete any BOM RM Type Names follow the steps mentioned below:
1) Select the name you want to delete.
2) Click on the Cross option from the Toolbar.
3) A message will pop-up on your screen. Select 'Yes'.
4) It will be deleted successfully.
Fig 4. Delete Production Unit