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Retail Software

Technology Evolution in Retail Sector

Over the last few years, the retail industry has risen at a breakneck pace. The sector has adapted to modern-day technologies and efforts to fit the ever-changing demands of the public, thriving on current breakthroughs and technical progress. Everything was going swimmingly for the retail industry until the pandemic caught them off surprise and severely

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7 Fundamental Benefits of ERP in Retail Industry

Retail is now one of the world's fastest-growing industries. However, as the industry expands, so do the management challenges. The retail sector is made up of a number of sub-sectors, each of which must be managed effectively in order to sustain or maximize income. Fortunately, in the retail industry, retail ERP software may be the answer. In recent

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How Logic ERP helps you in Running a Sustainable Retail Business?

The COVID-19 pandemic was like a wake-up alarm for business owners all over the world, which forced them to rethink their current business models. Especially in the retail sector, everyone started looking for sustainable retail practices to acquire current and potential customers. You have to understand that today’s consumer is well aware of the

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Lasting Impact of COVID-19 & its valuable lesson for Retailers

One thing that COVID-19 taught to retailers is that the use of modern ERP solutions that offer omnichannel, cloud-native, multi-billing, and microservices is inevitable if they want to address rapid change in shopper’s demand in the future. We can’t deny the fact that it was necessary to impose a nationwide lockdown to protect people from getting

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How to Address Future Retail Business Challenges?

When the pandemic started and the global lockdown was announced, the first challenge that retailers faced was to cop-up with the sudden rise in essential items. At that time, many challenges surfaced like inventory management, handling sudden demand-outburst, internal theft, etc.. After that, online ordering and delivery of items was introduced at a large

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Contactless Payments are the Future of Retail Business

Since the start of this global pandemic, there have been dramatic changes in our lives, and the business models of almost every industry. People started adopting online shopping & payment methods, home delivery of groceries experienced a huge boost, and much more. The COVID-19 also accelerated the demand for cashless payment modes as consumers want to

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How to Ensure Success of Your Multi-Store Retail Business

It’s not easy to run a multi-store retail business but with the right process, people, and tools, you can make the task of managing several stores quite easy. In this blog, we’ll talk about the few steps you can take to ensure the smooth working of all your stores under your watch. Following are some of the tips to help you manage multiple retail

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Managing Multi-Store Retail Business with ERP Software Solution

It isn’t an easy task to run a multi-store retail business. But if you have the right tools, people, and process, you will find that managing the tasks of several stores are very easy. In this article, we’ll talk about the few steps that you can take for ensuring your stores run without any problem under your watch. Following are some of the tips to

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Impact of Goods and Service Tax on the Retail Industry

There are huge benefits of GST on retail sector to alleviate the problems of India’s indirect system which poses a serious threat to the formation of a single common market.. Indian retail sector is one of the fastest growing sector being 5th largest retail destination in the world. The retail industry is growing in every corner of the country. On July

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