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cloud erp software

Benefits of ERP and Why Your Business Needs it?

What is ERP? This is one of the frequently asked business-related subjects that customers are curious about. ERP is nothing but an enterprise acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning. In general, ERP references automation and amalgamation of a company’s central commercial business. An ERP system automates and integrates central commercial enterprise

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Role of ERP Technology in Fashion Retail Business in 2021

The pandemic has affected all the sectors across the globe in a drastic way, especially the fashion retail business in developing countries like India. In addition to the pandemic, falling GDP growth, increasing inflation, and unexpected financial losses have made the Indian fashion product consumers even more cautious about where to spend their money.

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Impact of ERP Software On Your Business Return On Investment

In a world where technological innovations are the driving force behind every business progress, no one wants to lag in the competitive market. Whether it’s a local, national, or international market, everyone wants to earn profit and invest in assets that offer a better return on investment. An ERP software is also one of those assets that assure better

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Why Inventory Management Is Necessary to Grow a Small Business?

No matter what type of business you run, whether it’s a retail, distribution, or manufacturing business, inventory is one of the integral parts that hold up the whole model. You have to maintain an accurate ratio between demand and supply by analyzing your inventory items periodically. To ensure visibility across the inventory process, you need a reliable

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Lower DOH Value to Enable Steady Retail Inventory Flow

For every retail business, inventory is like a heart that holds all the processes together. If there’s mismanagement of stocks, your business performance will get affected. But if you handle the inventory efficiently, the cash flow will be steady and the customer satisfaction level will be higher. This is why, when running a retail business, it's said

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Impact of Cloud ERP System on Retail Industry

For running a retail business, there are various aspects that one needs to vary - market trends, keeping inventory up-to-date, customer retention & engagement, employee or staff management, accounts & finance, etc... There are a variety of challenges that retail business owners have to battle to keep the business going. On top of it, the intense

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The Future of Technology in Handling your Business Operations

One thing that everyone might have learned from this pandemic crisis, it’s the importance of digitalization to keep the business working and stay competitive. If we look at the situation before the pandemic, most of the businesses were working on on-premises ERP models, which were good when working at the location itself. But now, things have changed

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Lasting Impact of COVID-19 & its valuable lesson for Retailers

One thing that COVID-19 taught to retailers is that the use of modern ERP solutions that offer omnichannel, cloud-native, multi-billing, and microservices is inevitable if they want to address rapid change in shopper’s demand in the future. We can’t deny the fact that it was necessary to impose a nationwide lockdown to protect people from getting

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