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COVID-19’s Impact on Pharmacy Management and Compliance

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic not only ushered in rapid-fire adjustments in health-care delivery, but it also revealed the system's flaws. As frontline pharmacy employees and leaders were forced to manage new medicine and supply shortages as well as quickly adjust to this once-in-a-century global public health disaster, we realized

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How ERP Redefines Businesses

It's no secret that ERP features for manufacturing SMEs help firms address operational challenges on a whole new level, both big and little. Integrating an ERP system into your manufacturing operations may be a crucial strategy for lowering costs, improving production processes, and greatly enhancing the chances of your company's long-term growth and

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5 Ways to Start Transforming Your Logistics Today

The thing about going through a crisis is that you may sometimes come out of it better than you were before. Manufacturers have shifted their focus to other markets, causing disruptions across the supply chain. Those shocks and disruptions, on the other hand, expose something else: the holes in our production processes. They show us where we can improve –

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Reasons to Move to Cloud ERP Software

The COVID-19 pandemic drew attention to what technology could do. According to IDC, over 65% of businesses have increased their digital activities. According to recent studies, businesses are confident about growth in 2021 and beyond. However, as firms navigate the post-COVID environment and analyze development prospects, many are evaluating technologies

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Why Footwear Retail POS ERP is Important

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, published in 1943, states that clothing and footwear are among a person's most fundamental needs. Jumping forward to 2021, apparel and footwear retail is now one of the world's major retail categories. Yes, it is a basic requirement for many, but luxury retail firms that provide high-end products are hinting at something

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How can ERP Software help Textile and Apparel Manufacturers?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is software that stores all of a company's data and supports it in delivering information at the appropriate moment. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) dates back to the 1960s and has achieved widespread adoption in the industry during the last two decades. Enterprise Resource Planning software is a collection of

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All You Need to Know About ERP Software

What is an Enterprise Resource Planning System? Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software aids businesses in better managing all of their business operations and activities. An ERP system can assist a company in keeping track of a variety of details, sharing information across departments, and increasing productivity. What is Enterprise Resource

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