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apparel retail software

Role of ERP Technology in Fashion Retail Business in 2021

The pandemic has affected all the sectors across the globe in a drastic way, especially the fashion retail business in developing countries like India. In addition to the pandemic, falling GDP growth, increasing inflation, and unexpected financial losses have made the Indian fashion product consumers even more cautious about where to spend their money.

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ERP Technology Redefining Fashion Retail Business in 2021

In the fashion products segment, the retail corporation is gaining more importance to enhance India’s retail ecosystem. Back in the year 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak started, many issues arise, such as: Increase in inflation, Falling GDP, Global Financial crises, Increase in unemployment, Shutting down of businesses, etc. This

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Technologies Transforming The Fashion Retail Sector

In a fashion & apparel business, one of the difficult tasks is to understand the rapidly changing demands of customers and to address them on time. A current trend can become a talk-of-old-days in the fashion industry. That’s how versatile this market is. According to cio.com, the Indian fashion retail industry will become USD 115 billion market till

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Customize & Manage your Retail Store Inventory with LOGIC ERP

The apparel and fashion industry is one of the largest and innovative business sectors in the world. Most of the concepts that retailers use these days were first experienced by fashion and apparel retailers. For example, Pop-up shops concept, which was initially piloted in the 90s by fashion and apparel retailers. Then came the next innovation wave of

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apparel management software

How Can AFS Software Boost Apparel Business Productivity?

It’s not an easy task to run an apparel business. From production to sales, to handling warehouses to distribution- you will encounter plenty of operational complexities, especially when it’s about inventory. There are multiple parameters like color, size, style, and type, that need to be individually tracked. That’s why you should prioritize

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apparel management software

Steps to Choose Right Apparel Software for the Fashion Industry

In today’s market, to remain competitive, a fashion business needs transparency and efficiency in their processes. In this context, apparel software plays a key role in recognizing the complexities of product orders. If you have to automate the fashion industry operations, you need a reliable software, which must be capable of - Handling complex

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How Apparel ERP Software can help Manufactures save Time & Money?

Currently, fashion, apparel, and textile industry have taken a new shape with the involvement of Apparel ERP software solutions. Such software is enabling manufacturers and distributors to work productively while increasing the bottom line. Today, almost every apparel manufacturer rely on ERP to support their operations and manage growth rate. Key

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Fashion ERP Software

Integrating Fashion ERP Software with Apparel Retail Business

It is said that in the clothing industry, sale success depends upon a retailer’s knowledge of their: Proactive management of store inventory and activities, and Customer base. Knowing how the store activities works, helps the retailers to stand a strong foothold in the market. Following are some strategies to help the retailers improve sales in an

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