Print Barcode after Save option Added in Purchase Voucher and Purchase Challan

Print Barcode after Save option Added in Purchase Voucher and Purchase ChallanYou will, of course, get some items in your store that do not have barcodes on them when they arrive.LOGIC ERP can handle this, very well. It will ask you to put the information for the product into the system after saving the purchase Voucher or Purchase Challan and, after you do so, it will print barcode labels for you so that you can affix them to the items in question. This can drastically speed up inventory control procedures and ensures that items can be tracked effectively throughout your store.

Main Menu: Purchase> Purchase Voucher/ Purchase Challan

Open Configuration of Purchase Voucher/ Purchase Challan.

Click on Print Barcodes after Saving.

Press Ok

Create Purchase Voucher/ Purchase Challan and Save it. Choose Godown. Select Barcode Configuration that you want to use in scanning and Press Ok.


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