In Production, specially for Job work / Out sourced production processes, there was an intense need by accounts for control over job worker’s bill against specific production process / job order with qty and rate so as to restrict loop holes for repeated bills from job workers against same work, mistakes in passing bill for excess qty or qty not received or depending upon the data provided by production staff, and after taking so much of pain again accounts department had to spend time for its manual cross verification with department which was tedious process and it was completely manual and user depended process.
Now, we have option where we can have proper control over job worker’s bill against job order taking into consideration its quantity and rate by maintaining its pendency. Also while passing this entry TDS effects will also be handled as per requirements.
Normally, once any job work is given we receive challan against job order which we enter in production receipt which can be multiple against single job order process outsourced, afterwards job worker use to send job workers bill against the challan and payment is to be cleared for the same by accounts department.
This whole process is now properly handled by new feature addition in Purchase Voucher in retrieval option: Production Receipt without stock effect. For details please check below mentioned screen shots for more clarity.