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How ERP Redefines Businesses

It's no secret that ERP features for manufacturing SMEs help firms address operational challenges on a whole new level, both big and little. Integrating an ERP system into your manufacturing operations may be a crucial strategy for lowering costs, improving production processes, and greatly enhancing the chances of your company's long-term growth and

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Benefits of POS Billing Software in Garment Business

Are you looking for the best POS software for garment shop? Get Logic ERP- the most trusted point of sale for your garment business today! The garment and clothing industry is a volatile industry. People may not buy other items or commodities on a regular basis, but they do buy clothing more frequently. The demand for certain types of clothing fluctuates

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How Grocery Stores Can Thrive in Post-COVID Era

Despite the fact that India has substantially overcome the impacts of the shutdown, Ecommerce penetration remains low. In comparison to the US and China, which are the home of the most successful eCommerce firms. However, we did set a new record for festival shopping. COVID has prompted smaller retailers to join the bandwagon and try their hand at internet

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Reasons to Move to Cloud ERP Software

The COVID-19 pandemic drew attention to what technology could do. According to IDC, over 65% of businesses have increased their digital activities. According to recent studies, businesses are confident about growth in 2021 and beyond. However, as firms navigate the post-COVID environment and analyze development prospects, many are evaluating technologies

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Benefits of ERP System in Inventory Visibility

To build your products as a custom manufacturer, you'll need a number of various parts and pieces. Furthermore, as a small firm, you may not have the funds or the room to purchase significant quantities of raw materials in advance. Inventory management is one of the most difficult difficulties facing small and mid-sized custom manufacturers, and getting it

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Grow Your Sales with the Right Retail Billing Software

Allow me to share a basic reality with you. Billing and invoicing is a headache, especially, in the retail business. It's always been that way. Do you recall the days before computers when accounting was done by hand? Referring to the days when businesses hired accountants and data entry operators to keep track of billing and invoicing information in large

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Why Footwear Retail POS ERP is Important

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, published in 1943, states that clothing and footwear are among a person's most fundamental needs. Jumping forward to 2021, apparel and footwear retail is now one of the world's major retail categories. Yes, it is a basic requirement for many, but luxury retail firms that provide high-end products are hinting at something

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Technology Evolution in Retail Sector

Over the last few years, the retail industry has risen at a breakneck pace. The sector has adapted to modern-day technologies and efforts to fit the ever-changing demands of the public, thriving on current breakthroughs and technical progress. Everything was going swimmingly for the retail industry until the pandemic caught them off surprise and severely

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Must Have Features in a Pharmacy Management System

Pharmacy management software, often known as pharmacy software, is a system that stores all of the information regarding a pharmacy processes. It aids in the storage of data, the organization of the entire system, the control of pharmaceutical use, and the improvement of customer satisfaction. Logic ERP pharmacy software is a fantastic opportunity for

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