API Documentation

Save Employee Disc Points

This API is used to Save the Employee Discount Points in LOGIC

Authorization Detail

Name Detail
End Point http://demo.logicerp.com/api/SaveEmployeeDiscPoints
Request Type POST
Authorization Basic Auth
Username Demo
Password 1





    "Result": {
        "StatusCode": 0,
        "Message": "Success.",
        "SchemeCode": 1,
        "SchemeName": "Scheme 1",
        "YearLimit": 10000.0000,
        "MonthLimit": 10000.0000,
        "BillLimit": 10000.0000,
        "YearLimitUsed": 2490.0,
        "MonthLimitUsed": 2380.0,
        "YearBalance": 7510.0000,
        "MonthBalance": 7620.0000,
        "DiscP": 5.0000,
        "LstCompGroupDisc": [
                "GroupCode": 0,
                "GroupName": "",
                "CompCode": 783,
                "CompName": "redtape",
                "CodeType": "COMP",
                "DiscP": 10.0
    "Status": true,
    "Message": "Success.",
    "LastSavedCode": 22