Setup City: This form allows you to create a new city or edit an old one. With each city you can provide a State Name. States can be setup through Setup States. If you do not require states you can skip the state column, the value will automatically become (NIL). City Name is unique i.e. if a same city name exists in two states you have to provide different names in the City name column.

To filter the list on basis name, enter the value in the text box and press Enter Key.

Displaying the list of sorted cities
To display the list of all the cities check the Show All box.

Displaying the List of all Cities
City Name : Enter the new city name you want to add the grid.Press enter to save the city name
& to move the next in the Grid .

STD Code : User can enter the STD Code here. It is an optional column,it can be left blank.

State Name : User can select state name from the list.It is an optional column.

Used to delete a selected record.Select a record and click the delete option which appears on the tool bar.Delete confirmation dialog box appears >click Yes to delete selected record.

The Delete Confirmation dialog box
There three Buttons available in the bottom of the Grid Order button , Save Button and Close Button.
Order Button : Click Order button > City order dialog box > select a city > click ok > Save New Dialog box >
click Yes (to save the selected city).

The City Order Dialog Box
Save Button :Click to save the changes made by user.
Close Button :Click to exit .