Setup Bill Series : This form enables the user to maintain the record of various Bill Series with the last number of the bill in the year,Type and the Visibility of the bill.
Series : Enter the Series name manually,It is a mandatory column can't be left blank.
Number : Enter the Number manually,It is an optional column.By default it holds Zero value.
Type : Select the type of the bill series from the list.It is a mandatory column can't be left blank.
Visible : If visible then set the value True else False.
Show In Challan SR : The value of this column is set only when the Type is set to CH(Challan).
In order to delete the record,select a record click on Delete option on the tool bar > Delete dialog box appears click Yes in order to delete the selected record.
Delete Dialog Box
How To Set The Series Order
It is used to set the user defined order of the bill series.In order to do this click the button or press Alt+O > Set Order Series dialog box appears > select the item and use Arrow buttons to move the item in upward or in downward direction > click ok to save the order.