Print Settings

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The other defaults that can be set for printing are:


bullet01 Total Titles Length- The user can specify the default length for the title.For this enter a numeric value in the text field for the length of the title.


bullet01 Net Rate Position- The Net Rate that will be printed can either be the Net Rate after the tax has been charged or it can be either after the various CD,T.D or Schemes have been calculated.To specify after which calculations the Net Rate should be printed specify the position from the Net Rate Position combo box.


bullet01 Net Rate Application- The Net Rate that will be printed can either be the actual Net Rate or it can be one of the following:
Tax Paid=Net Rate
Taxable=Net Rate
Taxfree=Net Rate
All Net Rates


bullet01 Print Type- The user can choose to get the print of the Purchase Voucher according to their requirements.The possible options are- Normal/Size Wise/Size+Rate Wise/Item Wise.


bullet-arrow2 If the option Normal is selected then whatever columns have been selected and the other settings which have been made the Purchase Voucher will be printed in that format.

bullet-arrow2 If the option Size Wise is selected then Header and the Footer will remain same and the sizes of that items will be printed horizontally with the Quantity under each size.

bullet-arrow2 If the option Size+Rate Wise is selected then the Header and Footer will remain same and the sizes of that items will be printed horizontally with the Rate and Quantity printed vertically under each size of that item.

bullet-arrow2 If the option Item Wise is selected then the sizes of that item will not be printed.