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bullet01 If user have received a payment from debtors against an invoice which is not entered into the sale bill or the software. Then this option allows user to enter a receipt voucher against a new reference or the exiting reference made by the user.


bullet01 Bank Receipts: Main Menu > Vouchers > Bank Receipts.


Toggle Icon Minus 17Main Menu


Bank Receipts-3


Fig 1. Main Menu


bullet01 After filling header details in bank receipt voucher, as shown earlier in Header Details.


bullet01 Fill the account details as shown in below given window.


bullet01 References: Press space bar to add reference or adjust the voucher against the previous reference.




Fig 2. Bank Receipt (Account Details)



bullet01 After clicking on reference below given window will appear.


bullet01 Against Reference: Click on against reference button if user wants to enter the bank receipt against the existing reference or the reference made by the user earlier.


bullet01 New Reference: Click on new reference button if user wants to add new reference for the bank receipt voucher.




Fig 3. References



bullet01 After clicking on  Add Reference below given window will appear where user can enter the reference details like Bill No, Cost center & Element Agent , Amount etc.




Fig 4. Setup Reference Details



bullet01 After entering reference details the below given window will appear in which the reference details will come under yellow color.




Fig 5. References