In item master user can set all the details for the items like its Brand/company , Shades, Pack/Size, Item Groups, Godown etc.
Item Brand/Company Creation : The Setup Company form enables to the user to maintain the Company details like company name, sale tax type, purchase tax type, default godown, remarks, stock category and different types of percentages related to a company.
Item Pack/Sizes Creation : This forms enables you to define the different pack sizes with the pack type for the items they are used when defining items.
Item Groups Creation : A tree view of item groups consist of twenty horizontal levels. All the horizontal levels are independent and are not related to each other. Each horizontal level consist of five vertical groups. These vertical groups are further allocated with subgroups according to the requirements of the user. According to the type of the groups the items are allocated to them. The item allocated to one subgroup can't be allocated to the other subgroup with in the same level.
Godown Master : The user can create godown by using the Setup Godown form. This form contains the details related to the godown like Godown Name and its Type..
Item Master Creation : The user can create items with the help of two forms. Item with multiple pack/size and Item with multiple company+shade+size.